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February 22, 2023

Jennifer Hinojosa, 37TRW, Coined by CMSAF Joanne “Jo” Bass

Written by Debra Munoz, 37TRW Site Lead

Jennifer Hinojosa, SandTech Enabler, was coined last week by the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, CMSAF Joanne “Jo” Bass for her work in combining high priority strategic training manuals.  Jennifer has been cited for doing great work since she joined the 37th Training Wing as a curriculum and graphics design specialist, but the specific project for which she was coined by the CMSAF was the “Big Little Book”.

Jennifer took 4 strategic books (Professions of Arms, Enlisted force Structure, Joint Team and Chief Bass’ Blueprint) and combined them into one book that would still fit in the cargo pockets of all Military Training Instructors (MTI).  Chief Bass saw these during her visit and wanted the print and order information so she can use it at a summit she is hosting later this year. We knew this was a great project and were very excited to see her efforts rewarded with a coin from that level!

Since the 1990’s, the Air Force has sought to miniaturize key doctrinal or organizational materials to make them convenient to carry by Airmen. Jennifer’s efforts enable Airmen to carry all 4 of these important books wherever they go.